Tag Locations for Body, Serial and
VIN informtation for a Henry J
Serial  on door pillar
Example of a typical Build Sheet
    Title numbers can be made up and any of the numbers on the car or a combination of them or the original motor number which may no longer be in the car. Typically it is the Motor number but not always the case.

    Most manufacturers for automobiles in the mid to late 50's started to make a dedicated VIN composed of specific vehicle information and serial number information in one plate.  Henry J's were not of this time.

   I have seen Many titles that did not match the car Normally because nobody knew what to use or the Original Motor was replaced, or it is a combination of numbers on the car.

  My advice is to make sure, before you buy, that the title is somehow related to the car. If it is not that can be hard to correct if the car is finished and now worth lots of money. Correct it before you buy and find out how that may work in your state, this can be easy in some states and hard in others..
Example of a typical Body Number Serial Number is very similar.
Example of a typical Engine Number